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Our First Snow in Asia

Korea has a reputation for harsh winters, and this past week we got our fist taste of it. Actually, despite the snow, it hasn't been all that cold - yet.

I guess it must be easier to predict the weather here, because they told us almost a week out when it would happen and how much we would get (you just have to adjust to Celsius and centimeters).

It turns out that kids in Korea are just as excited about snow as kids in America. I have a beautiful view from my classroom, and the students gravitated to the windows and took pictures.

Here's the view...

Jen and I have a tradition of always going out for a walk whenever it snows, so I rushed hoe after school so we could go for a walk in the snow with Jen before it got dark. But it turns out that Koreans don't let the snow sit around at all, and by the time I got home the streets were scraped and salted, and the sidewalks were swept. Fortunately, there are some wonderful hiking trails within a minute's walk from our appartment, so we took to the hills.

Silly us, we thought that this would be the one time we would have the trail to ourselves, but since hiking is the national past time here in Korea we our trail to be well traveled. This actually turned out to be a good thing, since it made it less slippery.

As much as I love Korea, I have to admit that Washington, with its firs and cedars, is prettier when it snows. Still, it's fun to see what a desiduous forest looks like in the snow

Okay, so it's confession time. After listening to me express my desire for one ever since we arrived here, Jen broke down and bought me a selfie stick! Yep, now I really blend in here in Asia!

I don't care what you might think, I love my selfie stick!

The trail behind our house winds through the mountains for countless miles, but my plan was to just get as far as the little cemetary. Unfortunately it was getting dark, and in a rare moment of maturity, I agreed to turn around and head back home. Good thing too, because by the time we got back it was already pretty dark.

Our appartment is one of the snow-covered ones in the forground.

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